A few years back i read an article about a young family. The woman catched my attention, because she was a writer of children's books. She seemed very nice.
So i went to the library, read her books. Wah, she wrote darn good books!
Today i met her and indeed she is very nice. She is full of humor, humble and honest.
And she still writes very good books and meanwhile got several important prices in literature.
When you teach you are a teacher. When you clean, you are a cleaner. When you drive, you are a driver. So when you write, are you a writer????
So i asked her: "When are you a writer?"
When you write a book (but leave it in the drawer of your desk)
When you publish?(think of all the books that have been remaindered)
When you are actually read by the people?(yes, read but maybe not liked)
When you win a price?(and fall short of expectations)
The author gave a very honest answer about her fears, her doubts. How every time you are waiting for the phonecall of your publisher or your critics, you stay trembling.
She answered so vulnerable.
Kaat Vrancken, that's her name (www.kaatvrancken.com) reads well too.
She went reading for children in different places. Of course in Flandres, in the Netherlands, in Aruba, in Iran.
So i was brave and i asked her if one day she could come and read for the sikhchildren. She was very positive about the idea.
So hopefully one of these days Kaat Vrancken, the famous and so nice author will come and read out of her own work for the sikhchildren. Because she is right, a child's feelings are the same everywhere, whether they are born in this country or not.
Kaat Vrancken you made my day!!!!