circle of silence
(poet Herman de Coninck)
This evening we made a circle of silence to support all persons illegal in the country. Our goverment is thinking of getting more workers out of foreign countries (especially East Europe) since we have more eldery people instead of youngsters in Belgium. Our "grey" population is costing lots of money to the youngsters (health care, pensions etc) and so there need to be more "fresh" folks to earn all this money (through taxes, which are amongst the highest in the world)
So we, the organisations defending to the refugees, noted to the goverment that so many people are already in the country, trying to survive in way one or another.
Give them legal status before new people are brought into the country. Seems so logically, no? But not to the goverment.
So after we defended their cases on many levels left, right, high and low, we decided to go silent.
But be there. Visible.
Do i need to say that many of our sangat are still in a difficult and uncertain illegal situation. So they were very visible this evening. And outstanding being sikhs.
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