Sunday, December 16, 2007

soulbrides' kitchen

Those who visit this blog now and then already found out that this bloggie is not the blog with big statements and strong opinions. It is just a reflection of my little life...and it is good this way.
if you want to have a strong opinion or statement i know excatly which blog you have to turn to:

Her blog is called:"Soulbrides'kitchen" and Kamalla Rose Kaur is just wonderful. She is sikh and not afraid to challenge the full world- sikhs and non-sikhs- but she does this in a very funny and intelligent way. She is a great writer!
I love her to bits, because she reflects very often my own search as a sikh and a woman.

So off you go, pay her a visit! You will not regret it!



Blogger Prabhu Singh said...

Just a note of caution:
She has written a serious amount of vitriol against people I know and respect. Seriously poisonous, slanderous, sensational diatribes. I don´t even know her, I´ve just had the displeasure of reading some of her other "writings."
I´m happy if positivity can shine through, and people like you can gain something.
Sat Naam.

Friday, December 28, 2007 3:15:00 PM  

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